The Government have announced that VAT will be imposed on school fees from January 2025. 

To help mitigate the impact of VAT, the Governors have decided to reduce the headline fees for the next two terms (Lent and Trinity 2025) by 5.3% based on the assumption that VAT at 20% will be imposed from 1 January 2025. Should the rate at which VAT is levied, the timing of its implementation, or any other material details deviate from our current assumptions, we will update this page of any consequent changes to our planned fee adjustments.

Registration Fees and Acceptance Deposits

Registration Fee

£120 per child, reduced to £60 for siblings (inclusive of VAT)

Refundable Acceptance Deposit - Year 3 and above

An Acceptance Deposit of £500 is payable by all parents, resident in the UK, on acceptance of a place.

An Acceptance Deposit of £1000 is payable by all parents, resident outside of the UK, on acceptance of a place.

Please note - the refundable Acceptance Deposit will be automatically added to the Michaelmas bill of children moving up from Year 2 (Pre-Prep) to Year 3 (Prep).

Additional Deposit

Parents normally resident outside of the UK must pay a One Term Fee Deposit at the same time as the Acceptance Deposit.

Fee  TypeAutumn Term (per session)Lent and Trinity Terms (per session)
(8:15am - 3:45pm)
Full day
(8:15am - 3:45pm)
(8:15am - 11:15am)
(11:15am - 12:45pm)
(12:45pm - 3:45pm)

Sherborne Prep accepts Government Child Care Vouchers

Fee TypeAutumn TermLent and Trinity Terms (ex. VAT)Lent and Trinity Terms (inc. VAT)
Reception - Year 2£3,375£3,195£3,834

*a refundable deposit of £500 is applied to all children moving from Year 2 in to Year 3.  This will be included in the Year 3 Michaelmas bill.

Fee TypeAutumn TermLent and Trinity Terms (ex. VAT)Lent and Trinity Terms (inc. VAT)
Year 3£5,175£4,900£5,880
Year 4 - 6£6,350£6,015£7,218
Year 7 - 8£6,600£6,250£7,500


Fee  TypeAutumn TermLent and Trinity Terms (ex. VAT)Lent and Trinity Terms (inc. VAT)
Full Boarding:   
Years 3 - 6£8,995£8,520£10,224
Years 7 - 8£9,495£8,990£10,788
Weekly Boarding
(5 nights a week):
Years 3 - 6£8,210£7,775£9,330
Years 7 - 8£8,400£7,955£9,546
Fee  TypeAutumn Term
Flexi Boarding: 
1 night£50
Flexi Boarding
(booked in advance - whole term):
1 night£47.50
2 nights£45.50
3 nights£43.50


Fee  TypeAutumn TermLent and Trinity Terms (ex. VATLent and Trinity Terms (inc. VAT)
Year 3 - 6£9,750£9,235£11,082
Year 7 - 8£10,250£9,705£11,646
Extra TuitionIndividual Music Tuition  £33.50per lesson
 Extra Tuition £35.00per lesson
 EAL  £35.00per lesson
 Speech and Drama £35.00per lesson
NurseryEarly Club (Sign up required)8:00am to 8:15am£2.50per session
 Stay and Play3:45pm to 5:00pm£5.50per session
 Lunch11:15am - 12:45pm£23.25per session
Pre-PrepEarly Club8:00am to 8:15am£2.00per session
 After School Stay and Play 3:45pm to 5:00pmFOC* 
 After School Clubs 3:45pm to 5:00pmFOC* 
 Supper Club5:00pm - 6:00pm£5.50per session
 Breakfast Club7:30am - 8:00am£3.00per session
PrepSupper Only6:00pm - 6:30pm£5.50per session
 Breakfast Club7:30am - 8:00am£3.00per session
 After School Enrichment 5:00pm - 6:00pmFOC* 
 School Minibus Run as required £5.00  per journey     
  siblings on same trip: £4.00    per journey     

School trips - as and when organised, with advance notice to parents.

*there may be an additional charge for some enrichment activities if run by external specialists

Saturday Activity Programme - free if run by a member of staff


A 10% sibling discount is offered when you have three children at Sherborne Schools (comprising of Sherborne Prep, Sherborne School, and Sherborne Girls).  

A sibling discount also applies where families have a third child at Sherborne School, but this only applies for the duration the children are at Sherborne Prep School. If the third child, then joins Sherborne School or Sherborne Girls, he or she will have the sibling discount and not the oldest child who had previously received it. The fourth and subsequent children will receive a 15% discount.


Military Families Discount & Bursaries:

From September 2025, the total amount payable for CEA funded pupils will be the CEA allowance plus 10% of the prevailing (full) boarding fee (inclusive of VAT).

Contact the Bursar


School Fees:

We are very happy to accept School Fees in monthly payments via School Fees Plan.


Armed Forces:

Sherborne Prep offers a 10% discount off day and boarding fees for those families currently working in the armed forces, who do not qualify for the CEA allowance.