Our dedication to providing the highest quality education and instilling a life-long love for learning from the start is the driving force behind every choice we make in our school. Our nurturing, child-centred environment allows children to thrive as they embark on their educational journey with us. Come and see for yourself!

Cassie Wood, Head of Pre-Prep


Book onto an Open Morning


We prepare girls and boys from 3 - 7 years old to love learning. We believe that these early foundation years really matter, and choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make on their behalf. We care about the whole development of your child; academically, physically, and emotionally.  

Our wonderful Pre-Prep is situated in the heart of the school, overlooking our Lower Paddock, Orchard, and playground and we welcome new children to join us in our friendly Reception, with those attending our Nursery having automatic entrance.  

Sherborne Pre-Prep is filled with the constant buzz of laughter and happiness that comes from children who truly enjoy learning at our school. This wonderful atmosphere is largely due to the strong family ethos that makes Sherborne Pre-Prep so special. 

With fantastic facilities and surroundings, superb and dedicated staff, supportive parents who believe in what we are trying to do, and children who are rewarding and a joy to teach, I do hope very much that, if you share our vision of what school should be about, you will come and see us for yourselves.