At the end of the school term we celebrated the achievements of pupils across all year groups, said goodbye to our year 8's who will, without a doubt, go on to make great waves in the world, and bid farewell to some wonderful members of staff who have been an asset to us all here at the Prep.
Mrs Fawbert passed the baton to our new Head of Music, Rosie McNiff, as she ended her last year with us on a high note during the Summer Concert and Commemoration Service in the Sherborne Abbey.
With tears in our eyes we listened to farewell poems, anecdotes and songs and marvelled in the talent and magic of all pupils and staff here.
As we head into a new academic year, we look forward to welcoming new faces to the wonderful family that is Sherborne Prep School.
See all the photos of the Summer Concert online.
See all the photos of Prize Giving online.