Welcome Back to a Brand New Term!
Whole School

How fantastic it is to see the bright, smiling faces of pupils as they enter school after a long and restful summer break.

Our Head, Mrs Bone, lead an assembly to fill us all with enthusiasm for the term ahead and, alongside Mr Poulain, Mrs Gent and Mrs Harris, they reminded us what of what sort of school Sherborne Prep is.

"We are a school that really cares, and is kind," said Mrs Gent, Deputy Head (Pastoral), "and we are a school that has fun! We are school where we can be brave and courageous in all that we do." 

Mrs Harris, who is newly appointed as Deputy Head (Academic), reminded pupils that "teachers work really closely across the school to support your learning. We are a school that always tries our best, even when things get a bit tricky. We are a school that works together - if you’ve got ideas, share them!" she said.  

We are a school that knows it’s okay to make mistakes. 

Mr Poulain, now appointed as Director of Adventure, Leadership and Community, said "we want to add adventure into our day and build upon the diverse community around us. We are a school that loves to learn within the world around us - inside and outside.

We are a school where we respect each other and I love that we smile at each other! I love that we open the doors for each other and say 'Hello! How are you?!' You can practice that today," he told the children. Touching on the care and respect Sherborne Prep has for the space in which we are all growing, he noted, "I love that whenever we see litter we pick it up and put it in a bin."

Lastly, Mr Poulain expressed being "filled with pride" at being a school that "gives things a go."

As we delighted in tales of the summer; Mr Arkwright went to watch The Open in Scotland, the children went to watch musicals, travelled abroad and enjoyed time with family, there was also exciting news to share from Mrs Hendry (McNiff), our new Head of Music, who got married! 

Have a super first day back everyone!

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